Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Walgreens ohh lala!

The Walgreens ad makes me happy!  There are lots of good Freebies. I think possibly better then CVS and definately better than Rite Aid.
Gillette Fusion aFter shave $5.49 get back $5.49 Jingle cash
Nivea shave Gel $2.99 get $2.99 JC ($1.00 coupon)
Dr. Pepper ect .99 get .99 JC
Old Spice deoderant $3.99 get $3.99 JC
Secret body spray $3.49 get $3.49 JC
Colgate $2.99 get $2.99 JC (1.00 coupon)
Crest $3.99 get $2.99 JC (.75 coupon)
Scrunci hair bands $1.99 get $1.99 back
Just for men shampoo $4.99 get $4.99 back
Oral B tooth brush $2.25 get $2.25 back
GUM floss $2.25 get $2.25 JC
Advil .99 get .99 JC
Robitussin to go $2.49 get $2.49 JC
Thermacare $2.49 get $2.49 JC

There also lots of items that end up being $.99 or a little more after Jingle Cash!

Black Friday BABY!

My first planned stop in the lines of neccessities is CVS. I am going to list the FREEBIES first and then go down the list with things I am interested in and think you may be. 
Colgate.  $3.99 get back $3.99 in ECB (in store credit) ( use $1.00 coupon, make $1.00)
Advil .99 get .99 ECB
Excedrin .99 get .99 ECB
Eucerin 6.99 get 6.99 ECB
LA Looks hair Gel 2.99 get 2.99 ECB
Herbal Essence $3.99 get $3.99 ECB (use to .50 and 1 $1 off 2) Make $2.00
Renpure Shampoo $4.99 get $4.99 back
Listerine pocket packs $2.99 get $2.99 back (use .50 ) make .50 profit
Carmex .99 get .99 ECB (use .30 coupon)
Gillette or Old Spice deoderant $4.00 get $4.00 ECB (use $2.00 coupon)
Xtra laundry $1.99 get $1.00 ECB
Reeses candy bars .79 get .79 ECB
King size M&M's $1.59 get back $1.59 ECB
Remote or Ear buds $6.99 get back $6.99 ECB

Here is the plan.  Scan your card when you go in.  You might get lucky and get a $/$$ coupon.  If you do... have them use that coupon first before any manufacturer coupons!!! 

$44.28 OOP without tax or coupons....
$38.48 with coupons possibly less...

$43.28 back regardless.  So possibly a $5 or more money maker.  ANd of course you dont have to get everything I listed. 

Yah for my first post!

What a great time for my first posting!  The day before Black Friday! Sad I know.  I am more excited about Black Friday then Thanksgiving. I am a serious bargain shopper and most everyone that knows me is well aware of this.  I have been hearing a lot of yapping about how companies mark up the prices on their items in order to mark them down the day after Thanksgiving.  So not true in most cases.  I am sure maybe in some of the big ticket items maybe so.  In the things that count like toys small appliances ect. , this has not been a found fact for me.  I look forward all year long for this time of year.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE to hit up the local Rite Aid, Walgreens, and CVS.  With my coupon binder in one hand and my shoppers card in the other I make a bee line for the "money making" items.  I promised some of my friends and followers that I would make a simple easy to follow post to guide them in their first Black Friday!  So here we go.  I should for warn you that in the process of typing today I have 3 little, 2 of which are off school today.  As I begin to tackle the task of my strategic plan I have a basketball flying over my head, a 6 year old crying on the couch because his 9 year old brother keeps beating him at basketball, and a 2 year old pushing around a grocery card singing what appears to be his ABC's in a foreign language.  So here goes nothing!