Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Black Friday BABY!

My first planned stop in the lines of neccessities is CVS. I am going to list the FREEBIES first and then go down the list with things I am interested in and think you may be. 
Colgate.  $3.99 get back $3.99 in ECB (in store credit) ( use $1.00 coupon, make $1.00)
Advil .99 get .99 ECB
Excedrin .99 get .99 ECB
Eucerin 6.99 get 6.99 ECB
LA Looks hair Gel 2.99 get 2.99 ECB
Herbal Essence $3.99 get $3.99 ECB (use to .50 and 1 $1 off 2) Make $2.00
Renpure Shampoo $4.99 get $4.99 back
Listerine pocket packs $2.99 get $2.99 back (use .50 ) make .50 profit
Carmex .99 get .99 ECB (use .30 coupon)
Gillette or Old Spice deoderant $4.00 get $4.00 ECB (use $2.00 coupon)
Xtra laundry $1.99 get $1.00 ECB
Reeses candy bars .79 get .79 ECB
King size M&M's $1.59 get back $1.59 ECB
Remote or Ear buds $6.99 get back $6.99 ECB

Here is the plan.  Scan your card when you go in.  You might get lucky and get a $/$$ coupon.  If you do... have them use that coupon first before any manufacturer coupons!!! 

$44.28 OOP without tax or coupons....
$38.48 with coupons possibly less...

$43.28 back regardless.  So possibly a $5 or more money maker.  ANd of course you dont have to get everything I listed. 

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